Ahad, 27 Februari 2011

Ref'Phógh | Photo's

My first update and my new blog , toohooo ;D , korang tolonglah ajar ajar aku sikit yea ? HAHAHA ,
okay okay , im not going to act to you(all) , sorry , but , I want to offer you(all) to take me as your photographer(wedding) , Im not good , Im not badalso , mybe just little bit , hee , but , I'll try to make more better , search me at FB ( Le Róul ) and ( Le Róul II ) , HAHA , ohh kay , that's only , okay then , see my work okay ;) , thanks all , Kenderaan kteorg ad sendiri :) , bayaran boleh ikut package kteorg , PRICE ? ask me okay ?

JUST FOR BOOKING : 0179920446 Amirul Afzan Mohd Rodzi

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